Many of my publications are available on PubMed. My latest CV is here.
Selected Publications:
Selected Publications:
- Hansen, H., Netherland, J. and D. Herzberg (2023). Whiteout: How Racial Capital Changed the Color of Heroin in America. University of California Press.
- Netherland, J., Kral, A.H., Ompad, D.C. et al. (2022). Principles and Metrics for Evaluating Oregon’s Innovative Drug Decriminalization Measure. J Urban Health 99, 328–331
- Cohen, A., Vakharia, S., Netherland, J. & K Frederique. (2022) How the war on drugs impacts social determinants of health beyond the criminal legal system, Annals of Medicine,54:1, 2024-2038.
- Nguemeni Tiako, M. J., Netherland, J., Hansen, H., & Jauffret-Roustide, M. (2022). Drug Overdose Epidemic Colliding With COVID-19: What the United States Can Learn From France. American Journal of Public Health, 112(S2), S128-S132.
- Hansen H, Parker, C. and Netherland J. (2020). “Race as a Ghost Variable in (White) Opioid Research.” Science, Technology and Human Values, 45(5), 848-876.
- Netherland, J. (2019). Physicians as Policy Advocates: from the Clinic to the State House. In Helena Hansen and Jonathan Metzl (Eds). Structural Competency in Mental Health and Medicine : A Case- Based Approach to Treating the Social Determinants of Health. Springer: New York.
- Vaezazizi LM, Netherland J, Hansen H. (2019). The American Opioid Epidemic: From Patient Care to Public Health. In Compton M, Manseau MW (Eds.) The American Opioid Epidemic: From Patient Care to Public Health. Washington DC, USA: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
- Kinnard, E. N., Netherland, J., Marshall, T., & Arnold, A. (2018). Finding common ground: Academics at the intersection of addiction and criminal justice. Addictive Behaviors.
- Walker, I., & Netherland, J. (2018). Developing a Transformative Drug Policy Research Agenda in the United States. Contemporary Drug Problems.
- Daniels, J., Netherland, J. C., & Lyons, A. P. (2018). White Women, US Popular Culture, and Narratives of Addiction. Contemporary Drug Problems,
- Hansen, H. and J. Netherland. (2016). Is the Prescription Opioid Epidemic a White Problem? American Journal of Public Health. 106(12): 2127-2129.
- Netherland, J. and H. Hansen. (2016). White Opioids: Pharmaceutical Race and The War on Drugs that Wasn’t. Biosocieties. 1-22.
- Netherland, J. and H. Hansen. (2016). Wasted Whiteness, “Dirty Doctors,” and Race in Media Coverage of Prescription Opioid Misuse. Culture, Psychiatry, and Medicine. 40(4): 664-686.
- Campbell, N. and J. Netherland. (2014). Addiction and Healthcare. Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. Wiley-Blackwell: Hoken.
- Netherland, J. (Ed.). (2012) Critical Perspectives on Addiction, Volume 14 of Advances in Medical Sociology, B. Katz Rothman (Series Ed.). Emerald: Bingley, UK.
- Netherland, J. (2011). ‘We haven’t sliced open anyone’s brain yet:’ Neuroscience and the embodiment and government of addiction. In: Sociological Reflections in Neuroscience, M. Pickering and I. van Keulen (Eds.), vol. 11 of Advances in Medical Sociology, B. Katz Rothman (Ed.). Emerald: Bingley, UK.
- Netherland, J., Finkelstein, R. and P. Gardner. (2011). Environmental Interventions to Strengthen Resilience: Age-friendly Cities, the New York Experience. In: The Handbook of Resilience in Aging: the Key to Successful Aging. Resnick, B., Roberto, K. and L. Gwyther (Eds.). Springer Press: Towson.
- Finkelstein, R and Netherland J. (2005). The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Cities. In: Handbook of Urban Health: Populations, Methods, and Practice. Galea S. and Vlahov D. (Eds.). Springer Science and Business Media: New York.
- Pugh, T., Netherland, J., Finkelstein, R., Frederique, K., Meeks, S. and g. sayegh. (March 2013). A Public Health and Safety Approach to Drug Policy. New York Academy of Medicine & Drug Policy Alliance: New York.